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fine art artists. Canadian multimedia artist George Grie initiated it in 2002 as a personal
artwork portfolio. InterArtCenter Inc. is located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and hosted by
Yahoo! Inc.. The domains of network draw 50 million page views annually
by 2009 according to a study. International Art Center (trademarked InterArtCenter[2]) is a nonprofit educational project. The network’s websites provide free of charge graphic design content and information and promote modern digital multimedia & computer art. InterArtCenter galleries are designed for digital artists, illustrators, animators, photographers, web & graphic designers, and all creative individuals around the globe. Interartcenter adopts Creative Commons licenses system or copyleft as a form of free digital clip art and photo image distribution. Many website such as Flickr and Photobucket use Creative Commons as an alternative to full attribution copyrights.
Origin The first network's website was established in 2002 to provide a place for computer (CAD) artists to exhibit and discuss artworks and to promote digital artists of various artistic forms and manifestations. The network websites are organized in a single wide-ranging structure that includes: graphic design software, 3-D models and rendered art, enhanced photography, animation, mixed clip art media, computer-painted and -drawn art, etc. Most of the artwork related websites have fantasy and surreal type images that reflect the founder's art preference. InterArtCenter incorporates the following domain names:,,,,,,, Websites are free of adware, spyware, and other potentially unwanted programs, tested by McAfee SiteAdvisor. The websites are organized and designed as one Internet portal with a similar user interface, but divided by each site's subject matter. Websites ranked top 10 by various keyword phrases in Google, MSN, Yahoo and other search engines.Herbert Lawrence Block, known to the world as "Herblock" from his famous cartoon signature, was born in Chicago, Illinois, on October 13, 1909. He began his remarkable seventy-two year career as a professional cartoonist in 1929, working for the Chicago Daily News and the Newspaper Enterprise Association (NEA). In 1946, he joined the Washington Post, where he remained for fifty-five years, until he died in Washington, D.C. on October 7, 2001.A master of editorial cartooning, Block wielded his pen effectively and artfully, using it to condemn corruption and expose injustice, inequality, and immorality. Through his compelling cartoons he influenced public opinion and affected prominent elected officials. Block aggravated politicians, including Senator Joseph McCarthy, who publicly denounced him, and Spiro Agnew, President Richard Nixon's first vice president, who disparaged him as a "master of sick invective." An independent spirit, Block broke ranks with his publishers on specific issues and voiced his own opinion in every cartoon he drew. He received prestigious awards and critical acclaim from his peers, winning three Pulitzer Prizes (in 1942, 1954, and 1979) and sharing a fourth with Washington Post colleagues for coverage of the Watergate scandal in 1973.
As a cartoon chronicler of the twentieth century, Herb Block has few peers in terms of longevity, productivity, and critical acclaim. Over his seven-decade career, he practiced the art with fearless independence, creating visual metaphors that embodied his strong, well-informed opinions on the critical issues and public figures of his day and yielded keen insight into world leaders' motives and actions. A number of examples were remarkably prescient, as seen in his cartoon of footprints leading to the White House during the Watergate scandal.
He was a tireless advocate for civil and human rights for all people; equality of opportunity for all, including immigrants; and strong limitations on arms, particularly guns and nuclear weapons. Block will also be remembered for his bold stances against injustice, abuse of power, betrayal of the public trust, terrorist acts perpetrated by religious and political extremists, and mindless violence.
Compiled by Sara Duke and Martha Kennedy.
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