Cartoon Pictures Of Cars Definition
Source( Industrial Revolution, which had begun in the United Kingdom and Europe in the latter half of the 18th century, was in full swing by the mid-19th century. The development of steam and electrical power meant that increasing numbers of industries could be automated and new forms of transportation developed. Steam ships and railways facilitated the movement of people and goods across and between continents. Populations moved away from rural areas to the cities, initiating mass migrations which saw urban areas increase dramatically in size. This was also a period of intense global migration as some Europeans sought to escape famine, poverty, oppression, and political instability at home–it is thought that some 70 million people left Europe during the 19th century, establishing themselves primarily in North America and Australasia.Designed by Henry Seth Taylor, a jeweller and clockmaker from Stanstead, Quebec, the Steam Buggy took five years to design and two years to build. However, after a hose burst during a public event, and the Buggy crashed at another, Taylor abandoned automobile production altogether.At the same time, Gottleib Daimler and Wilhem Maybach invented the first gas-powered engine with a spark ignition, the closest precursor to modern engines, and used it on a motorcycle.Still designed the car's battery and motor for Featherstonehaugh, a lawyer and socialite who was also interested in automobiles. Dixon Carriage Works of Toronto was then commissioned to build the 700 lb. (317 kg) two-seater runabout that could reach speeds of 15 mph, approximately 25 km/h.Foss, a prosperous mechanic and tradesmen, saw automobiles for the first time on a trip to Boston where he rented an electrically driven carriage for $4.00 an hour. He was disappointed when the ride lasted little more than half an hour but his interest was peaked in "gas-powered" automobiles.The British North America Act united the Province of Canada, divided into Lower Canada (Quebec) and Upper Canada (Ontario), with New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, forming the new Dominion of Canada. The Act, which was given royal assent by Queen Victoria in March of 1867, came into effect on 1 July of that year. Sir John A. MacDonald, the dominant figure behind the new federal system, was chosen to be Canada's first Prime Minister.The Canadian Confederation expanded west and east during the early 1870s. Manitoba became a province of Canada in 1870, British Columbia in 1871, and Prince Edward Island in 1873.Vital to the realization of Sir John A. MacDonald's "National Dream," was control of territories in the western part of the continent – territories under the control of the Hudson's Bay Company. When the company gave sovereignty over the lands to the Dominion in 1869, the First Nations were granted smaller parcels of land, a yearly allowance, and the right to hunt, trap, and fish on the surrendered lands. By the time the last treaty was signed in 1921, the First Nations had been weakened by disease and by the loss of many cultural traditions through assimilation. The numbered treaties paved the way for the reserve system which still exists today.Photo: August 1871British Columbia joined Confederation in 1871 but only with the promise that the federal government would build a transcontinental railway to the west coast within ten years. The Canadian Pacific Railway was completed in 1885, becoming Canada's first major land transportation system.Wanzer moved to Hamilton from Buffalo, New York, where he manufactured Singer and Wheeler-Wilson machines. Wanzer also developed the "Little Wanzer," a machine that was compact, easy to use, and inexpensive to buy. During the period 1861 to 1881, 1.5 million sewing machines were produced at the Wanzer factory.Professional musician and composer Calixa Lavallée was asked to write music to a poem by Judge Adolphe-Basil Routhier, on the occasion of the 'Congrès national des Canadiens-Français'. The first performance of O Canada was given on June 24th, 1880.Though the lyrics have changed several times over the years, Calixa Lavallée's music has changed little from his original compoIllustration: ca. 1880 Musée de la civilisation, bibliothèque du Séminaire. Lavallée, Calixa, 1842-1891. Chant national. Quebec: Publié par A. Lavigne, (c1880). Couv. Loc. : 29.6 (loc. Temp.) The Hudson's Bay company had opened retail operations in larger urban centres; however reaching potential customers in rural Canada was more difficult. To address this problem, the company launched a mail order service which meant that people could choose items for purchase using the catalogue, then pay for them and receive them by mail.Time zones, based on "Standard Time", were first proposed in 1879 by the Canadian railway planner and engineer Sir Sandford Fleming. Standard time continues to be used today to help coordinate work and travel schedules across provinces, territories, and states.Needing to prove that his streetcars could run year-round, including during Ottawa's harsh winters, electric heaters were installed on street cars for customer comfort. Ahearn also designed and patented a high-speed sweeper for the front of the streetcars to clear snow away from the tracks.In almost every newspaper around the world, a political cartoon is published that highlights a particular viewpoint or idea through the use of illustration. Often, the image is exaggerated and intended to be humorous as well as informative. They can also be satirical or even serious in tone, depending on the audience, the artist, and the idea illustrated. Use these steps to analyze a political cartoon so you can accurately find what the artist is trying to convey.The film opens in the final race of the 2006 Piston Cup stock car racing season and championship in the Motor Speedway of the South,Piston cup
Piston Cup where a skilled but arrogant rookie racecar, Lightning McQueen, has overtaken his opponents, past a huge wreck, and has built up a huge lead over the cup's defending (but soon retiring) seven-time champion, Strip "The King" Weathers, and perennial runner-up Chick Hicks. However, because of his refusal to make regular pit stops and get new tires, his rear worn tires burst into flames on the final lap, causing him to skid and ultimately crawl to the finish line, barely managing to tie the King and Chick Hicks in a photo finish. Race officials announce that because the three racers are also tied in overall season points they will compete in one final tiebreaker race to be held at the Los Angeles International Speedway in one week to determine the champion.
While traveling down Interstate 40 to California, McQueen becomes separated from Mack, his transport truck, and while trying to catch up becomes lost on U.S. Route 66, catching the attention of the local Radiator Springs Sheriff in the process. A chase ensues, during which McQueen crashes and gets tangled in wires, damaging part of the town's main street in the process.
Miss sally
Lightning meets SallyMcQueen is taken to traffic court, where the town's attorney, Sally Carrera, pleads against McQueen. He is sentenced to repave the road using "Bessie", an asphalt-laying machine. Only interested in leaving and extremely furious, he makes an escape attempt before being hooked up, only to figure out his gas tank was siphoned. McQueen rushes through his first day of paving and the new road surface is so bumpy, unusable, uneven, and poor that he is told he must scrape it off and start over again.
When Doc Hudson offers McQueen a deal -- beat Doc in a race around Willy's Butte and he is free to go -- McQueen eagerly accepts. He leaves Doc in the dust at the starting line, but loses control on the loose dirt turn and crashes into a cactus patch. While the town's tow truck, Mater, hauls McQueen out of the cactus patch in which he landed, Doc effortlessly cruises to the finish line after informing McQueen that he races like he fixes roads. McQueen is compelled to scrape off the botched pavement and start over again.
As the ensuing days pass, McQueen is disturbed by nightmares of Chick Hicks winning the Piston Cup and landing Dinoco. He starts to befriend the town's residents and learn more about the town in the process: how Radiator Springs was once a thriving town until completion of the nearby interstate bypassed the little town, depriving it of its business traffic and visitors (and ironically, depriving those passing visitors of the natural beauty found in the scenery along the old highway); how Sally left behind her rich but unhappy life as an urban lawyer; what "tractor tipping" (a parody of cow tipping) is; and how Doc Hudson was once a famous racecar himself (the "Hudson Hornet") -- and 3-time Piston Cup champion -- until a horrible crash in 1954 ended his racing career.
Doc hudson hornet
McQueen knows Doc is the Fabulous Hudson HornetDoc bitterly refuses to reveal much about his past (despite McQueen witnessing him expertly drifting through the loose dirt of Willy's Butte where McQueen crashed), labeling his old trophies as "a bunch of empty cups". Cars-220
Doc tries out racing again after years of retirementBy the time McQueen finishes repaving Radiator Springs's main road, he has formed a bond with the town and its residents. Rather than immediately leaving for California (as he had initially been eager to do), he spends the day touring the town's businesses, receiving a fresh coat of paint and new tires in the process, and participates in a cruise party that night. But he is suddenly found, then whisked away in his truck, Mack, without even a chance to bid farewell to Radiator Springs. The town's residents are sad to see him leave, and Sally is angry to learn that it was Doc who ultimately informed the media of McQueen's whereabouts.
The final race among McQueen, The King, and Chick opens with what the race's commentators call the "biggest race in history." McQueen is distracted by his memories of Radiator Springs, losing time to The King and Chick Hicks, and begins to fear he will simply lose. To his surprise, Doc Hudson has arrived at the race, with Mater and a few others from Radiator Springs who will serve as his pit crew; Doc, once again wearing his original "Hudson Hornet" racing stripes, takes over as McQueen's crew chief. With Doc's coaching, a record-fast pit stop for new tires, and a few tricks learned from the small town's inhabitants, McQueen is not only able to overtake his opponents, but has built a considerable lead by the final lap.
As McQueen approaches the finish line, Chick sideswipes The King in a desperate attempt to avoid finishing behind him yet again, sending The King into a terrible rollover crash. McQueen, fearing that The King's racing career will end in the same way as did the Hudson Hornet's, comes to a full stop right before the finish line. After Chick gleefully crosses the finish line, McQueen then backtracks to push the veteran racer across the finish line ahead of him, saying that "I think The King should finish his last race". Although Chick Hicks has officially won the Piston Cup, he begins to learn that it's a hollow victory as he is jeered and despised for taking out The King, while McQueen is cheered as a hero for his good sportsmanship. Tex from Dinoco, The King's sponsor company, offers to support McQueen as his new sponsor; but McQueen, having now had a change of heart, respectfully declines, saying that his current sponsor Rust-eze gave him his "big break," and he wanted to continue with them.
Two days after the race, McQueen returns to Radiator Springs, announcing that he will establish his racing headquarters there. This helps to revitalize the town and draw back visitors and tourists, with the once-abandoned Route 66 being reclassified as "Historic Route .
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